Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fairfax California Mountain Bike Loop

Fairfax Destination Mountain Bike Trail - 11.8 Miles; 1400' elevation gain -

(This is a great mountain bike loop that covers the following mountain Bike Trails: Deer Park, Lake Lagunitas, Eldridge, Shaver Grade - and takes you around beatiful Lake Lagunitas and down some great stretches of Eldridge ) – Leave from Fairfax, CA

Destination: Park near Iron Springs Pub, 747 Center Blvd., Fairfax, for a hearty lunch and some cold-ones post ride. (Note: there’s free parking at Deer Park, but it may be full. If you bike from there, just subtract 1.3 miles from each distance.)

0.0 From Iron Springs Pub head West on Center Blvd which becomes Broadway Blvd.
0.3 Left on Bolinas Road
0.8 Left on Porteous and stay right on Porteous until you hit Deer Park
1.3 At Deer Park ride around the left side of the recreation center, across the field to the trail head and up the trail.
2.0 Stay Left on the trail towards Five Corners.
2.4 Arrive at Five Corners and proceed straight through the intersection heading uphill on Shaver Grade.
3.1 Left on Skye Oaks Rd (paved), which takes you to the Lake Lagunitas trailhead – look for the trailhead at the last parking lot you reach.
4.3 Head up the trail near the sign marked “Lagunitas Dam”, and go right across Lake Lagunitas Dam and stay left across a narrow trail.
4.6 Left on Lagunitas Rd (a trail) and continue around Lake Lagunitas continuing to bear left at any intersections. After you’ve crossed your 3RD Footbridge, you’ll hit an intersection with Lakeview and sign indicating how to get to Eldridge.
5.6. Right on Lakeview climbing up towards Eldridge Grade.
6.2 Left on Eldridge, enjoy the great descent down Eldridge.
7.0 Stay left down a steep section and continue on Eldridge.
7.5 At a 3-way intersection, go right continuing down Eldridge.
8.3 At a 4-way intersection continue straight through and up Shaver back towards five corners.
9.3 Bear right at Five Corners (second right) on Deer Park.
10.5 Arrive back at and backtrack down Porteous, Bolinas, Broadway and Center back to Iron Springs Pub.
11.8 Iron Springs Pub.

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